Cuuma Communications

Automated lead generation



Cuuma Communications is a Finnish mobile carrier whose services are used by nearly 1000 companies. Cuuma distinguishes itself from other telco providers with advanced call routing capabilities, automated pre- and end-call processes, integrations to modern tools and by providing client specific customizations. In spring 2019 Cuuma raised investor capital and were looking to skyrocket their sales.



Monthly qualified leads


Monthly requests for demo


Happy customers


Growth in blog reach

Uusi sivusto markkinointiautomaatioineen oli Distriktiltä kympin suoritus. Sivuston kävijämäärät ja yhteydenotot ovat kasvaneet ja mikä tärkeintä - Cuumasta tuli helpommin ymmärrettävä. 

Jani Hartikainen

CEO, Co-Founder

Optimizing the sales pipelines

Cuuma's sales team was using quite a lot of time on finding new potential customers. They were looking to free up a magnitude of time to focus on customers that we're in need of a communication solution. Even though Cuuma's solution is a state of the art communication platform, their former marketing site wasn't delivering this message to their customers. Cuuma also wished that the new site would clearly showcase company values and culture for future employees and potential customers, and wanted to raise awareness of Cuuma in the market.

Visualize it, and they will come

The project started with mapping the questions that potential customers might want to get answers for. By having interviews with the sales team we figured out what kind of background information would help them sell better. Following the research, we outlined a sitemap displaying content hierarchy that was required to understand what kind of solution would best fit customers needs. We also created a plan how to track the events on the site, in order to make sure that the sales team would be able to answer all customer requirements.

From gut feelings into educated facts

We helped Cuuma to track customer behaviour. For example: what referrals they were browsing, which integration specifications were read, from where they arrived on the site and where they left. This way a ground zero for a sales funnel was crafted which is now frequently revisited, optimised and developed further.

With the data collected from the customer journey, enrichment from 3rd party API's and an integration with Salesforce, Cuuma now profiles customers on multiple factors and focuses their sales resources efficiently based on facts.

Core solution

The core function of the solution is to ship new leads to Cuuma's CRM system from where the sales team would continue nurturing the potential customer. Prospects are categorised based on enrichment from 3rd party API's, user actions on the site and a short questionnaire before granting a demo of Cuumas product.

Halusimme tulla lähemmäksi asiakkaitamme, kasvattaa brändin tunnettavuutta sekä ymmärtää paremmin asiakkaidemme tarpeita. Distrikt osoittautui tähän täydelliseksi kumppaniksi. Saimme sopivassa suhteessa sparrausta ja omia näkemyksiämme kuuluviin.

Jani Hartikainen

CEO, Co-Founder

Spread the message

We also worked closely with the marketing team, doing visuals for marketing campaigns. Recruitment campaigns and blog post series showcasing Cuuma’s solutions and work culture was in need of visual overhaul. Cuuma’s new marketing page is the calling card for the whole brand image, and is complemented with attention to details with refreshed marketing graphics.

Cuuma has been operating in the Finnish market for almost 15 years, and there were some recognisable assets in Cuuma’s brand that we decided to stick with.

As a visual starting point we used their recognised coloring and logo. The accent orange with a deep purple for contrast. Subtle, pastel and flat color palette was used throughout the site to communicate efficiency, calmness and repeatability.

Montserrat combined with Open Sans was defined as the typeface. The typeface has a modular scale for crisp reading on all screens and devices.

Lastly, a set of icons and UI components were crafted for unified experience throughout the site.

Building blocks

With the brand assets defined it was time to design a website that coupled the identity of Cuuma with the information users would need about the services provided. We started with pen and paper and continued onwards with high fidelity wireframes. Sketch mockups were made with a mobile first mindset, followed by a clickable prototype and Framer micro-interactions.

Development was done on top of Prismic, a headless CMS solution which offers us great freedom of presentation combined with absolute control on the backend side.

Cuuma toimii vaikeasti ymmärrettävällä mutta sitäkin tärkeämmällä toimialalla. Telealalle on tyypillistä hankalat termit, sekä tuotteet ja palvelut. Värit, kuvamaailma ja referenssit suunniteltiin uusiksi. Sivuston rakenne ja sisältö luotiin helposti lähestyttäväksi. Lopputuloksena saimme täysin uuden, paremman sivuston.

Jani Hartikainen

CEO, Co-Founder


The end product is a self serving lead machine that eases Cuuma with their internal processes on sales and helps their potential customers to fully grasp the workings of the provided service. The sales team can use their time on nurturing potential customers rather than finding them. Collected data helps to identify opportunities on where to invest in order to bring in new business.

Additionally Cuuma now has a modern, fast and neat looking marketing site showcasing their promise on solving customer problems in the market of communication solutions. With marketing efforts, the new blog layout and design has been a great success, and the shared articles in social media are working well with very low bounce rates and high average page read times. The amount of people reached through the blog has increased over 200%.

Find out what we can do for your company. Let's create the next success story together!

Joonas Uotila

Business Designer

+358 40 595 9162

To move forward, one must take the first step.